General Questions

What is the address of the Brighton Recreational Centre?

Our address is 93 Outer Crescent, Brighton VIC 3186. Our contact telephone number is (03) 9592 3033.

What are your Opening Hours?

Monday – Thursday: 8:45am – 8:45pm
Friday: 8:45am – 7:45pm
Saturday: 9:00am – 11:15am
Sunday: Closed

These hours will be extended later in the year.  We are also closed on all Victorian public holidays and between Christmas and New Year.

Our January Opening Hours will be Monday – Friday 9.00am-5.00pm. Saturday and Sunday we will be closed.

Do your programs and classes run all year round?

Our Art and Pottery classes run for 41 weeks of the year, our gymnastics classes run for 48 weeks of the year and our fitness and wellbeing classes run for 50 weeks of the year with our break periods outlined below.  Classes do not run on Victorian Public Holidays.

Program Break period Break length
Art/Pottery April 6 to April 21, 2025

July 6 to July 20, 2025

September 21 to October 5, 2025

December 19 to January 27, 2025


2 weeks

2 weeks

2 weeks

5 weeks


Gymnastics December 19 to January 27, 2026 4 weeks
Fitness December 19 to January 23, 2026 2 weeks

What are your term dates?

Only our Art and Pottery classes are run in line with the school terms.

2025 Term Dates

Term 1: Tuesday 28 January to Saturday 5 April

Term 2: Tuesday 22 April to Saturday 5 July

Term 3: Monday 21 July to Saturday 20 September

Term 4: Monday 6 October to Friday 19 December

What happens if my class is cancelled?

Should a singular class be cancelled by Brighton Recreational Centre, you will be issued with a class credit for the cost of the individual class.  Class credits will be applied against your next billing instalment.

Should the Brighton Recreational Centre decide to remove a class that you have enrolled in from our timetable due to a lack of enrolments, fees will be refunded in full and paid via direct transfer.

What discounts do you offer your students?

Concession/Health Care card holders are entitled to a 15% discount for all pottery, art and fitness and wellness classes upon presentation of a valid concession/health care card.  Concession fitness and wellness passes are available to purchase online.  The student must present their valid card to our reception team before starting their first class.

Unfortunately, concession/health care discounts cannot be applied when booking into our art and pottery classes online.  Please visit our reception team or call the Centre to make your concession booking over the phone.

Brighton Recreational Centre also offers families enrolled in our gymnastics program, a sibling discount, applied to the lesser of tuition fees. This reduction in tuition fees is 20% for a third or fourth gymnast in the family.

The class I want to join is full. Can I join a waitlist?

If the class you would like to enrol in is currently full, students may choose to join a waitlist for that class. This can be done via the online customer portal or by contacting the Centre via telephone. The team at Brighton Recreational Centre will notify you via text message when a place becomes available to determine if you would like accept the enrolment into your chosen class. If this offer is not accepted within 3 hours, BRC reserve the right to offer this place to the next student on the waitlist. Students on the waitlist will be contacted in chronological order, from when the waitlist application was submitted (oldest entry to latest entry).

Do you have any classes for people living with a disability?

The Brighton Recreational Centre is committed to providing programs for all ages and abilities. We currently offer an All Abilities Pottery class.  For further information about this class click on the relevant link above.

Can we rent a room?

Yes, we have a number of rooms at our Centre which are available to hire (subject to availability). For more information about our room sizes and inclusions click here. To make a booking please call the Centre on (03) 9592 3033.

What's your policy for students and parents regarding social media?


  • should avoid posting any remarks, photographs or video that could be disparaging or embarrassing to the Centre, staff, members, officials or to any other community centre or club;
  • should not contact or ‘friend’ any coach or staff member via social media;
  • should inform their parents, coach or General Manager if they notice a contravention to this policy.


  • should avoid posting any remarks, photographs or video that could be disparaging or embarrassing to the centre, staff, members, officials or to any other community centre or club;
  • should not ‘tag’ Brighton Recreational Centre on their private pages unless permission has been sought from the Centre;
  • should not contact Brighton Recreational Centre staff via social media for Centre related enquiries unless in the context on an emergency;
  • should inform the General Manager if they notice a contravention to this policy.

Pottery and Art Questions

How do I enrol in a class?

Your enrolment into our art or pottery class will be on-going to ensure you always keep your place in your selected class.

To enroll into one of our art or pottery classes visit our online customer portal.  Existing families will need to log into their account and new families will need to set up both a family account and a student account.  Click here to see how to book into a class.

To secure your place in our art or pottery class, class fees must be paid at the time of booking.  Class fees for our art and pottery classes can be paid monthly. You will be billed for your first month of classes at the time of enrolment and your credit card or bank details will be saved on your customer account for future monthly billing.  Your direct debit will continue each month (1st of each month), automatically, until you cancel your enrolment.

Our billing is pro-rated with break periods and public holidays taken into account, therefore you will not be charged for your classes during break periods or on public holidays.

Do you offer trial classes?

Brighton Recreational Centre offers a trial class for our children’s art and pottery programs subject to availability.   Trial classes are only available if there are places available in the class of your choice.  Trial class fees are charged at the cost of a singular class and payment is required at the time of booking.  Trial bookings can be requested by contacting the Centre via email or telephone and can only be placed within 5 days of your chosen class.  You will receive an email once your trial booking has been confirmed.  After the completion of your trial class, and subject to availability, if you would like to enroll into the class on an on-going basis please advise our reception team who can process your enrolment.

Can I cancel my enrolment?

Yes, you can cancel your enrolment at any time by submitting an enrolment cancellation form to BRC. Enrolment cancellation requests must be received at least 7 days prior to your next billing date to ensure that you are not charged for future classes.  Once your enrolment cancellation request has been approved, you will get confirmation via email of your/your child’s last class. After this date, provided your account has been paid in full (including the notice period) all payment details will be completely removed from our system.

Please refer to our cancellation cut-off dates below.

Monthly Billing

 Cancellation Deadline Enrolment Ceases
January 23, 2025 January 31, 2025
February 23, 2025 February 28, 2025
March 23, 2025 March 31, 2025
April 23, 2025 April 30, 2025
May 23, 2025 May 31, 2025
June 23, 2025 June 30, 2025
July 23, 2025 July 31, 2025
August 23, 2025 August 31, 2025
September 23, 2025 September 30, 2025
October 23, 2025 October 31, 2025
November 23, 2025 November 30, 2025
December 23, 2025 December 31, 2025

Can I cancel a pottery or art workshop I have booked in to?

For a one-off pottery/art workshop, if a student would like to withdraw from this workshop, they must complete a refund application form no later than 72 hours before the start of the workshop.  If approved by management, students will receive a full refund which will be paid via direct transfer.  If a student wishes to withdraw from the workshop within 48-72 hours of the start of the workshop, they will receive a refund less a 20% administration fee.  The 20% administration fee is calculated on the total value of the pottery/art workshop.  Any cancellations made within 48 hours of the start of the workshop will not be entitled to a refund.

I missed my class. Can I get a refund?

As your enrolment is considered on-going and we ensure you always keep your place in your selected class, Brighton Recreational Centre do not provide refunds or credits for missed classes unless there are significant extenuating circumstances.  Under such circumstances, a class credit application must be made, and the acceptance or rejection of the credit application is solely at the manager’s discretion.  For classes missed due to injury or illness, a medical certificate is required, which must be provided within one week of the ‘start’ date indicated on the certificate. The certificate needs to state the ‘date to date’ of absence and how this injury/illness directly affects your ability to participate.  A class credit application for absence due to illness/injury will only be considered if you have missed 2 consecutive weeks due to the illness/injury. If your credit application is accepted, the student will be issued with a class credit (maximum of 2) which will be applied against your next billing instalment.  Absence due to other commitments, camps or holidays do not warrant a class credit and will not be considered.

Do you offer make-up classes?

Should you be unable to attend a class throughout the term, you will need to notify the Centre of your absence no less than 3 hours prior to the class.  Following notification of your absence, you will receive an electronic “makeup token” which can be used to attend one of our make-up classes outlined below.   Make-up tokens are limited to one per term and can be redeemed to the extent that you are able to attend one of the available timeslots.

Pottery Classes

Class Wednesday 2nd April Friday 4th April
Adult Beginner Wheel
Adult Hand building & Wheel
10:30am-12:30pm 1:00pm-3:00pm
Children’s Pottery 4:00pm-5:30pm  4:00pm-5:30pm

Art Classes

Class Monday 31st March Wednesday 2nd April
Adult Drawing & Mixed Media 9:30am-11:30am
Children’s Painting and Drawing  4:00pm-5:30pm 4:15pm – 5:45pm

Do my class fees include materials?

Art course fees do not include materials. Students are required to supply their own art materials which are outlined on the relevant class page on our website.

Pottery course fees include the use of all tools, materials including clay and glazes, and firing of 6 pieces for a beginner wheel class and 10 pieces for a hand building and wheel classes per term.

Can I use the kiln for works made outside the Centre?

Only the objects made at the Centre will be fired in the kiln. Any works brought from outside the Centre will not be accepted.  Only technically sound projects will be fired to avoid potential damage.

Is there a limit on how many pieces of work I can fire each term?

Due to limited space within the kiln, students will only be able to fire a maximum of 6 pieces in a beginner wheel class and 10 pieces in hand building and wheel classes no larger than (25/25/25cm) per term.

When can I collect my fired pottery pieces after the term has finished?

Work will take approximately 2-3 weeks to fire after the term programs finishes. Students have up to one month to collect their work after being notified that it is ready for collection. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange collection within this timeframe. If work is not collected within this time, it will be disposed of or donated to a local charity to make space for the next term’s courses.

Do I have to clean up after my class?

Students must allow sufficient time (at least 10 minutes) before the end of class for packing up, cleaning the tools, putting projects away safely and wiping down the tables. Classes commence and conclude at the times outlined on our website.

Fitness and Wellness Questions

How do I book into a fitness and wellness class?

To make a booking, please visit our Fitness and Wellbeing timetable page and follow the below steps:

1) Chose the class that you would like to book into and click the “Book” button.

2) Sign in with your email address and password.  If you have forgotten your password, click ‘forgot my password’ and follow the prompts to reset your password.

New to Brighton Recreational Centre?  Click on ‘Create account’ and follow the prompts to add your personal information and create a password.


Click here for detailed instructions on how to set-up an account in the Mindbody app and to Make or Cancel booking.

How does my fitness and wellness pass card work?

Access to classes are only available through the use of the Brighton Recreational Centre Fitness and Wellness pass card.  Each attendance to a class will reduce the balance on the card by one. Only students who have booked into the class within the Mind Body App or by reception staff are to be permitted into the class.  Fitness and Wellness pass cards are not transferable.

How do I cancel a fitness and wellness class I have already booked into?

You can cancel a class on the Schedule tab of the Profile screen in the MindBody app, or alternatively call the centre 9592 3033.

Cancelling of a fitness and wellness class booking must occur no less than 2 hours prior to the class commencement. If a customer has made a booking, does not attend the class, and fails to cancel the class attendance prior to 2 hours, their class pass will have been considered as expended. The customer will not be entitled to a refund or credit under these circumstances.

See below for reference

Do you offer trial classes?

No, we do not offer trial classes for any of our fitness and wellness classes.  However, a casual pass can be purchased if you would like to try one of our classes as a one-off.

I missed my class. Do you offer make-up classes?

For missed fitness and wellness classes, as these classes are attended by way of applying a previously purchased pass card that can be utilised as the customer chooses, and can be cancelled if required, missed class credits are not available for a fitness and wellness class that the customer has registered to but fails to attend.

Do you have a gym?

We don’t have a permanent fitness gym set up here at the Centre. However, we do offer a number of fitness and wellness classes for members of our community. Click here to view our Fitness and Wellness timetable.

Do you have squash courts, basketball courts or a pool at your Centre?

No, the Brighton Recreational Centre no longer has squash courts or a basketball court available to hire.  There is also no swimming pool at our Centre.

How do I cancel my fitness class booking

Gymnastics Questions

Does your gymnastics program run all year round?

Our gymnastics classes run for 48 weeks of the year with a 4 week break period over Christmas (December 22, 2025 to January 18, 2026). Classes do not run on Victorian Public Holidays.

In addition, each student is entitled to use a 4-week holiday suspension of their gymnastics enrolment each year, which must be used as a minimum 2-week block. You will not be charged for classes missed during your suspension period.

How do I enrol?

In order to enrol into one of our gymnastics classes visit our online customer portal. Existing families will need to log into their account and new families will need to set up both a family account and a student account.  Click here for instructions on how to create your account.

Your enrolment into our gymnastics class will be on-going to ensure you always keep your place in your selected class.

How do I pay for my weekly gymnastics classes?

Class fees for gymnastics classes are paid monthly. You will be billed for your first month of classes at the time of enrolment and your credit card or bank details will be saved on your customer account for future monthly billing. Your direct debit will continue each month, automatically, until you cancel your enrolment.

Our billing is pro-rated with break periods and public holidays taken into account, therefore you will not be charged for your classes during break periods or on public holidays.

Can I cancel my enrolment?

Yes, you can cancel your enrolment at any time by submitting an enrolment cancellation form to BRC. Enrolment cancellation requests must be received at least 7 days prior to your next billing date to ensure that you are not charged for future classes.

How do I suspend my child's gymnastics enrolment?

Brighton Recreational Centre’s gymnastics classes run year-round except for a 4-week closure over the Christmas period. In addition, each student is entitled to use a 4-week holiday suspension of their gymnastics enrolment each year, which must be used as a minimum 2-week block. You will not be charged for classes missed during your suspension period. Your child will not be able to attend class during the suspension period.

Brighton Recreational Centre requires a minimum 14 days’ notice prior to any suspension, which must be requested by completing the following Gymnastics Enrolment Suspension Form.

Once your request has been approved, confirmation will be provided by Brighton Recreational Centre.

Do you offer trial classes?

Brighton Recreational Centre offers a trial class for our gymnastics programs subject to availability. Trial classes are only available if there are places available in the class of your choice. Trial class fees are charged at the cost of a singular class and payment is required at the time of booking. Trial bookings can be requested by contacting the Centre via email or telephone and can only be placed within 5 days of your chosen class.

Alternatively, you can enrol in the class of your choice, in the knowledge that you can cancel your enrolment if your child decides that gymnastics is not for them. You need only to cancel by the 23rd of the month to ensure that the cancellation is effective before the commencement of the following month.

Do you offer make-up classes?

Yes, we do offer makeup classes if you/your child was unable to attend their regular class. You must however notify us of your absence no less than 3 hours prior to the class. Following  notification of your absence, you will receive an electronic “makeup token” which can be used to attend another class of the same level and age group, pending the availability of a space in a suitable class. The booking into the makeup class can only be made within 5 days of when the class is scheduled. A maximum of 1 makeup lesson can be claimed within any month, and must be utilised within 60 days of the date of the class for which the makeup lesson was claimed and the makeup token generated.

What are your class fees?

Class Duration* Class Fee
45 minutes $22.95
60 minutes $27.95
90 minutes $36.95
120 minutes $42.95

*Note: In the last 5 minutes of each class, coaches will be available for student/parent interaction.

Class fees for gymnastics classes are paid monthly via direct debit.  You will be billed for your first month of classes at the time of enrolment and your credit card or bank details will be saved on your customer account for future monthly billing.  Your direct debit will continue each month, automatically, until you cancel your enrolment.

An annual fee of $59.00 is also payable which covers:

Gymnastics Victoria Registration, insurance coverage and equipment levy/upgrades.

This fee is payable for a calendar year and will be payable in February 2025 and each February thereafter. For any new gymnast joining after February 2025, the fee will be charged in the first month of enrolment. The fee payable for any new enrolment after the 30th June, will be $39.00.

This fee is not refundable in full or in part if the gymnast cancels or relocates during the remainder of the year.

Do you offer a competitive program?

Yes, our state of the art gymnastics venue is equipped to support a competitive gymnastics program, GymStar. GymStar is a recreational competitive program offered by Gymnastics Victoria for members of all ages, genders, and abilities. At the BRC, GymStar provides recreational gymnasts with the opportunity to deepen their commitment to gymnastics while participating in external competitions in a fun and friendly environment. To find out more information visit our GymStar page. 

We are currently not providing a National Levels Program, however if you are interested in the National Levels Program, please complete the following form.

Do you offer classes for adults?

Yes, our Adult Gymnastics classes are fully instructed and designed to enhance strength, fitness, and flexibility while prioritising fun, friendship, and safety. These classes welcome all skill levels, from complete beginners to advanced gymnasts. The program includes learning skills on all gymnastics apparatus, such as the vault, bars, beam, floor, rings, and trampoline. Classes run for 2 hours, and we offer an introductory trial class priced at $35.

To find out more information, visit our Adult Gymnastics page.

Do you offer a sibling discount?

Brighton Recreational Centre offers families enrolled in our gymnastics program, a sibling discount, applied to the lesser of tuition fees. This reduction in tuition fees is 20% for a third or fourth gymnast in the family.

Can my child attend more than one gymnastics class per week?

Yes, your child is welcome to enrol in more than one class per week subject to availability.  Class price discounts will not apply if enrolling in any additional classes.

My child's current age is eligible for multiple class options. Which class should I enrol in?

Our age group recommendations have been outlined below:

1-3 age               Must be 1 and an independent walker, turning 3 after April 30

3-4 age               Turning 3 before April 30, turning 4 after April 30

4-5 age               Must be going to school in 2026, turning 5 after April 30

5-7 age               Must be going to school in 2025, turning 7 after April 30

7-9 age               Turning 7 before April 30, turning 9 after April 30

9-11 age             Turning 9 before April 30, turning 12 after April 30

12+ age              Turning 12 or have already turned 12 before April 30

It is expected that your child stays in that class for the remainder of the year and would only change if continuing into the following year or subject to your child’s gymnastics ability.  Please call the Centre on 9592 3033 if you have any additional questions regarding which class is most suitable for your child.

The class I want to join is full. Can I join a waitlist?

If the class you want to attend is full, we recommend that you enrol onto the waitlist for that class.  We will look to add additional classes subject to demand and floor space in our gymnastics hall.

Birthday Party Questions

What do you offer in way of parties?

We will be offering Gymnastic Parties from Sunday 12:30 – 2pm or 2:15-3:45pm from March 2025. For more information about our birthday parties please click here.

How do I book a party?

Birthday parties can be booked online via our customer portal.  Existing families will need to log into their account and new families will need to set up a family account before making a booking. Click here to watch a video on how to book a party online.

When can I access the party room I have hired?

The party hirer has access to the party room 30 minutes prior to the nominated party start time to set up and 15 minutes at the end of the party time slot to clean and pack up.

Do I have to clean up after my party?

It is the responsibility of the party hirer to ensure that the party room and kitchen are cleaned after use and left in a tidy state. Cleaning requirements include; floor swept and mopped where there have been spills, all chairs to be stacked and tables folded away, bins to be emptied (skip is provided by the Centre) and kitchen area is to be cleaned and returned to the position and condition it was found in.  If the room is not left to a standard which is suitable for the use by another hirer, management reserves the right to apply an additional cleaning fee, with the amount to be reasonably determined by BRC.

I need to cancel my party booking. What’s your cancellation policy?

If you need to cancel your birthday party booking, please contact the Brighton recreational Centre via email or telephone.  Cancellations made prior to 21 days of the party date are entitled to a full refund.  Cancellations made within 7-21 days of the party date will receive a refund, less a 30% administration fee. The administration fee is calculated on the total value of the birthday party fee paid at the time of booking.

Cancellations made within 7 days of the party date will not be entitled to a refund.

To request a refund (subject to the conditions outlined above), party hirers must complete a refund application form. If approved by BRC management, party hirers will be paid their refund via direct transfer within 5-7 days.

In the unlikely event a birthday party booking is cancelled by BRC for an unforeseen circumstance, charges will be refunded in full and paid via direct transfer.